
2025 Operating Budget


The Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District relies primarily on property taxes to fund our operation, although we typically also receive money from fund raising projects, donations and grants. As a special district, the SLFPD receives property taxes from the property owners within its boundaries. If you live within the boundaries of the Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District, part of your property tax, collected by the county assessor, goes to support the activites of the District. Your total tax bill is a total of all the mill levies you pay, such as school tax, Regional Transportation District tax, fire protection district tax, etc.

The annual property tax for an individual property in the District is calculated as such:

Actual Property Value x Assessment Rate x Mill Levy (Actual Property Value x Assessment Rate = Assessed Value).

Transparency Notice


Pursuant to C.R.S. §32-1-809

Legal Name of Special District: Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District

Address and telephone number of the District’s principal office:

1360 Sugarloaf Road
Boulder CO 80302
(303) 442-1050

Name, business telephone number, and email address of the manager or other primary contact person for the District:

Gary Dolsen (President, Board of Directors)
(303) 442-1050

District’s website address:


Time and place designated for regular Board meetings:

The District employs a dual hybrid format for public meetings which may be in-person and/or virtual. Meetings are typically held in-person at Fire Station 2 at 1360 Sugarloaf Road and virtual via online Google Meet web video conference technology. For more information including instructions on how to attend please visit the page.


In 2024, regular meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m., except during the month of December, when the meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the month.

Posting location designated for notices of regular and special Board meetings:


Names and contact information for Board members as of November, 2023:

Gary Dolsen
This office will be on the ballot in 2027 as a four year term. 

Vice President
Adam O’Connor
This office will be on the ballot in 2027 as a four year term. 

Dan Conser
This office will be on the ballot in 2027 as a four year term. 

Danielle Rees
This office will be on the ballot in 2025 as a four year term.

Braxton Baldridge
This office will be on the ballot in 2025 as a four year term. 

Secretary to the Board (non-voting)
Marcia Bassity
Consistent with Colorado Statutes governing Special Districts, this office was filled by Board appointment and is not an elected position. 

Date of the next regular general Special District election: May 6, 2025 

Self-nomination forms

Self-nomination forms to be a candidate for a District Board position may be obtained from and must be returned to the District’s Designated Election Official (DEO) Marilyn Hartig, 1360 Sugarloaf Road, Boulder CO 80302, preferably by email request (mhartig303@gmail.com).

Self-nomination forms must be returned no later than 4:00 p.m. on February 28, 2025.

Applications for absentee voting or for permanent absentee voter status are available from and must be returned to the DEO, using the above contact information, by February 28, 2025.

Mill Levy

Total District mill levies certified for the year 2024:
10.972 mills

Total ad valorem tax revenue received by the District in 2024:
$504,263.37 (unaudited)

The current version of the SLFPD bylaws can be found at: Bylaws